Monday, July 28, 2014

The Final Post (for now...)

Do not let anyone tell you what you should or should not eat or drink. 
Colossians 2, 16a

Dear Family in Jesus!

Today's Spa is (for now) going to be my last entry as I feel like now it is time for us to continue to live it, and time for me to start writing about spiritual abuse. I will do so at
So guess what?! This (for now) last entry is about both!

I am surprised that no one ever came up to me prepared with this quote from Paul! What could I possibly say to this verse but hope that the context will clarify things? And, as 99% of the time with difficult Bible verses, the context reveals the meaning clearly. But to a prone to fear or an uneducated believer this verse could be the free-for-all to wallow in the puddle of bliss of ignorance. Oh, how I have been there. Both in the prone to fear/ uneducated believer AND wallow in ignorance to food spot.

Paul is addressing newly converts to the Christian way in the city of Colossae. New believers, just like today, were under a lot of spiritual attack, and sometimes physical as well. In many of his letters to new believers in cities that have received Jesus Christ he had to address the same issue: Religiosity or legalism. The Good News of the fulfillment of the mosaic law by Jesus Christ were almost too good to be true, so religious Jews or other religions and cults would have an easy in to sway people back into having to follow some kind of a law. 

As we learn to listen to the Holy Spirit we are vulnerable to fall into the hands of bad leaders or a religious crowd. One way of recognizing spiritually abusive people is by paying close attention to how they really are. Not how they preach they are. How they really act. When all the display of love and welcome is done, do they spread fear and condemnation, or is it truly their desire to lovingly edify you into the person that God is forming you? Especially, when confronted with their own shortcomings, are they responding out of humility? Only if someone has something to hide will they get defensive, angry, or turn the table on the one who brought up the problem.

The mosaic law was full of eat nots, drink nots, do nots or touch nots. To get out of that mindset or resist the temptation of falling back into it, as it was the pre-Jesus way of attempting to gain God's favor, was for some a struggle. Others basked in the freedom of being molded from the inside out into the image of Jesus (into a son/daughter of God that is) more and more every day by having been filled with the Holy Spirit of God. 

Once we catch the spirit of something there is no more law for us!  The spirit will eventually become a "default setting" within us. This can work for or against us- obviously depending on the spirit. 

If we receive a spirit of fear, fear will eventually dictate our behavior. If we receive a spirit of lust, lust will eventually dictate our behavior. If we receive a spirit of legalism, self righteousness will eventually dictate us (and attempt to dictate others through us). 

If we receive the Holy Spirit of God, God himself will eventually dictate us. Someone moved by God doesn't consider his life under a law, just like someone under fear doesn't consider himself under the law of fear. They do "what they must". But in either case to "receive a spirit" means that there was an open door to allow it into one's life. Selah (wrap your mind around this one!).

Since I don't want to make your life miserable by putting laws on you that you can never keep, I keep on inviting you to "catch the spirit" of health and nutrition. I believe it is a fruit of the Holy Spirit, but I say that AFTER having received this as a divine move within me. Now, I must. Now, I get to! 

6 Years ago I would have not recognized myself today. I told you, I was Cookie Monster's older sister, addicted to sugar, a slave to my taste buds, tossed to and fro by health issues. But I had an open door to "receiving the spirit". Being around a trusted friend who consistently by her example made me aware of learning to read labels, cooking from scratch, or moderating my sugar intake, changed me. 

That dear and trusted friend is Ashley Darkenwald. She has recently published a book "Living Wellness"- Wellness achieved by nutrition and exercise. I had the privilege to serve as an editor and write a Spiritual Spa for every of the 12 powerful chapters, as we believe there is no real Wellness if our soul isn't reconciled with God in Jesus Christ. You can take a look at this book here:

So, dear Family in Jesus, keeping in mind that I am not proposing a law, but that I speak from a place of conviction about health and nutrition, let me leave you with reminders and  shopping tips:

- Think before you eat: Am I eating for flavor or for nourishment? Can I make a choice that will give me fuel AND nourishment?

- Buy your dairy (including butter!), meat, and eggs organic, grass fed, and free range. Today we are paying extra for nutrients that should be in our food in the first place but aren't due to treating our animals as if they were factories. This is not only of "weak brain usage" aka: idiotic, because it harms us as it saves us money, but also an abuse of our authority over animals. They suffer from never seeing the living daylight, not feeding on what they were created to eat (guess what- it's not cheap GMO corn!), being locked up with terrible hygiene in tiny cells they potentially have to share with a number of other traumatized life-stock, and (this is not an exhaustive list of reasons to buy organic) the slaughtering process is meant to be cost-effective, not graceful and from a thankful heart.

- Get the Hain's Safflower Mayo. It's the best mayo you will ever taste and high in natural Vitamin E. You should be able to find it at Coborn's in the Natural isles or Whole Foods.

- Get organic ketchup. No high fructose corn syrup, but made from organic tomatoes with real nutrients.

- Steer clear of Vegetable oils or fake fats like margarine. Alternatives to frying in medium heat: Cold pressed olive oil or butter. For high heats: Coconut oil or lard. A lifestyle of consuming vegetable oils puts you at high risk for heart disease and/or cancer. Why? FREE RADICALS due to rancidity in the heating process are known artery cloggers and carcinogenic in your body! 

- Invest into quality food, freeze it if necessary, and only prepare as much as you know you and your family will eat before it goes bad. Simple wisdom, but hard to follow in a world of plenty.

- Snack on raw fruits and veggies (such as organic baby carrots and snap peas) and pair with a good source of fat (nuts, cheese, tzatziki, hummus, etc.). Remember your fat soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K?

- Stay physically active, daily! Don't listen to a bad conscience. Just go for a brisk walk.

- Keep on educating yourself! There is so much great information at hand through the Internet. Infinite recipes to be tried out. Keep on asking, keep on researching, keep on stretching your comfortable lifestyle by making/baking more from scratch, and finding ways to exclude grains/chips and include veggies into your diet.

Dear Family in Jesus, thank you for reading this Blog! I will keep it online, so you are welcome to read through older posts, refer others or comment. If I have a pressing new thought on health and nutrition, I will post it here!

Be blessed abundantly!

Monday, March 31, 2014

I STINK- THEREFORE I AM! (An Invitation to Embrace Natural Odors)

Dear Family in Jesus Christ!

Turning to the Bible to learn about the Jew's use of fragrant oils throughout the centuries makes for an interesting overview of our faith's history. (Now, I don't claim to have covered the topic to exhaustion!)

  • All the way from institutionalized incense for the Altar Ceremonies under the old covenant (e.g. Exodus 30)

  • to deliberate use in beauty care and personal hygiene in hopes of being found fit to meet a King (e.g. Esther 2)

  • to the anointing of a King (e.g. 1. Samuel 16)

  • to the anointing of Jesus as a preparation for his burial (Matthew 26)

  • to Paul's metaphor that God diffuses his fragrance through believers of Jesus, to some a scent of life, and to others a scent of death (2. Corinthians 2). 

The common denominator in all instances is that the use of fragrant oils was deliberate. It was either commanded by God as a prophetic expression, related to personal hygiene to be set apart from the common folk (potent scents derived from sources such as cinnamon, lavender, rose buds, herbs, and you name it were usedor a metaphor used by the Apostle Paul that falls in line with the traditional use of fragrant oils, namely that believers and their lives become God's temple. He fills them with his spirit just like the scent of the incense once filled the area of worship and sacrifices dedicated to God. I also hereby emphasize that the fragrant oils they used were derived directly from nature.  

The use of fragrant oils in our daily lives has not changed completely. Only that "fragrant oils" have been replaced by chemical mixtures, usually starting out with alcohol and ending with something unpronounceable. I, myself, used to love to drench myself with the spicy and pleasant (to me) scent of a perfume called "Sun". That was until I was made aware that my use of perfume may weaken my thyroid even more and cause other problems in my system. Here is a little example: since I loved my "Sun" scent so much, I added the "Sun" lotion to my regiment. The onsetting rash on my arms, followed by a visit to a dermatologist, followed by using a medical cream to treat the rash, was eventually traced back to the use of the lotion and cured simply by ceasing to use it. (Did the doctor ask me if I had started a new lotion? No, he didn't. No judgement here- just a good reminder that a doctor's focus is not your lifestyle choices, but how he can treat your symptoms.) 

Ever since then, I have been on a dedicated journey to cleanse my personal care arsenal from anything harsh and chemical; driven by a passion to attain optimal health naturally. By trial and error, spending money on expensive products, and then finally finding an affordable regiment that works for me, I can conclude that the results toward my health are amazing. There is just one side effect that I didn't see coming... 
At THIS POINT this post suddenly turns shockingly self serving. There isn't really any way around it. Let me cut right to the chase:

"Your perfume makes me sick."

Ridding my life of toxic chemical influences has made me sensitive, you might say extremely sensitive. And I know I am not the only one! But, unfortunately, there are still enough people out there that don't have the slightest clue that next to harming themselves by using artificial fragrances, they are harming other people as well. Second-hand perfume. Uuuggghhh. Onset symptoms: For me it's mostly nausea and headaches. I can't even use my beloved "Sun" anymore without having a terrible day! 

For us sensitive noses, we don't feel like smelling the roses at the first sense of artificial scents in facial or hand lotion, body lotion, hairspray, leave-in conditioner, room sprays, cleaning products, deodorants, and the list goes on!

This leads me to pose the question to you, keeping in mind the deliberate use of fragrant oils back in the Bible days; why do you use perfume? What for? What is your motive? Again, no judgement here. I'm just here to inspire (and honestly to hopefully make sensitive noses's lives a little more pleasant). 

Probably most people use perfume because they enjoy that particular smell and they reckon it will enhance their appearance. Others use perfume to mask their smoking or having been exposed to an unpleasant odor such as fried food.

Now, considering the attempt to enhance your appearance: in German we have a phrase that translates to "I can't smell you", meaning "I can't stand you". I'm not saying that stinging sweat smell is preferable over toxic whiffs of perfume but who likes nausea and headaches that could have easily been prevented? Also, please consider that not everyone shares the same idea of what a good smell smells like. Who would like to be in a room with someone who reeks of an offensive smelling perfume? 

Well, the conclusion of today is that I want to remind you that God wants to smell through you. He wants to be the main thing others "smell", or pick up on, are subconsciously or consciously aware of, when you enter the room. Is your perfume maybe in the way because people are sickened by it?  

Here is one idea of how we can find a compromise: Essential oils. 

These undiluted and pure oils are free of anything harsh or toxic and, if used scarcely, can meet your need for you to smell like more than "just yourself" and will usually leave sensitive noses at peace. Please know though that since they are very potent not everyone will enjoy your choice of natural scent. We're just not accustomed anymore to smelling like cinnamon buns or a lavender bush. Instead of using toxic spray deodorant or antiperspirant try salt crystals as found at Coborns or Norwex. An easy way to lower your risky exposure to chemicals and to making people like me be more happy around you! You can experiment with adding a drop of essential oil to your wet salt crystal to add a natural scent to your deodorant. There might even be scents that cause you (or others) discomfort. Again, it is trial and error, with the up side being that these oils are not expensive and you can get them even at Walmart. Essentially you want to be mindful of yourself and others when you use essential oils. Doesn't that sound like something Jesus could have said?

Be blessed abundantly!

Friday, February 7, 2014

And the Oscar goes to....

Therefore, having put away falsehood, let each one of you speak the truth with his neighbor, for we are members one of another. 
Ephesians 4, 25

Dear family in Jesus!

Having enjoyed working in the creative world of onstage performances or video shoots one could call me an expert on putting on a show. As a trained actress I bet I can sell you anything and you would not notice that I am lying my nose into infinity. For the purpose of acting this is a vital skill to posses, but how about real life? Many christians "act" their buns off and might not even realize it. Let me take you on the journey to seeking wise transparency. 

A great friend inspired me immensely by sharing the quote to "stay between the ditches". OMG! If only someone had given me this advice 20 years ago. I feel like my life could be summarized by my desperate pursuit to find a home in one ditch after the other. 

Can you identify with this? 

As immature as it might be to slide from one ditch into the other, sharing my new found excitement with everybody around me, only to offend, exclude, and ignore other facts and people, was always at least: honest. 

In the christian world there seem to exist two particular ditches when it comes to honesty. Being too honest and putting on a show. Somewhere in the middle lies the Truth- if we realize it or not.

Between "I am sooo miserable" and "Everything is just grand" lies the potential for revelation. 

What season are you in? Are you waiting for a breakthrough or are you enjoying the fruits of a harvest? Is both applicable in your manifold life? What is God's perspective on your good/bad situation? Who does He want to be for you?

We are called to put away with falsehood. We are called to speak truthful with our neighbor. Who is my neighbor? you might ask. Well, let me remind you that your neighbor tends to be the person you least wanted to be honest with. ...Maybe because they are not a christian? Or they don't attend your church? But remember, being the Good Samaritan means to love everyone and at all cost with a godly love. 

Sharing your true thoughts with someone, including struggles and hopes, means to evangelize (spreading the Good News of Jesus Christ's surrender to the divine and worldly law, execution and glorious resurrection for God's joy and our wholesome salvation by the work of the Holy Spirit in our hearts). Who would not want to be honest if it means to evangelize? 

Let's be honest, for God's sake. Who are we trying to kid? Let others boast of you. Let God promote you. Let your reputation get better by truth and not by putting a spin on your life.

Now, as we are trying to stay between the ditches, unto the "wise" part. 

Everything you say shall be true, but you do not have to say everything that is true. I believe that the Holy Spirit does a fantastic job to nudge us as to what to say to whom. Don't rationalize it how ever. "If I let a non-believer know that I have struggles in my life and God doesn't answer my prayers the way I think He should, I will be a bad witness." Again, one would think out of a ditch and lacking revelation. 

Please picture this: 

On the one side of the road to eternal life there is a ditch called "Head knowledge" 
and on the other side the ditch called "Heart knowledge". 
Both ditches might be true. 
But to jump from one ditch into the other, without connecting them and sifting out what's not true, will always be one sided, unbalanced, unhealthy, and eventually merely wrong. 

The christian faith receives Jesus as the road in between, calming our fish tail ride by saying: "I am the truth, the way, and the life. No one comes to the Father but through me." 

We are NOT left as orphans. Our father didn't abandon us with a set of rules to figure out. Jesus went back to the Father in heaven IN ORDER TO send us the Holy Spirit, which is as long as we live continuing to transform us into the image of Jesus, a son/daughter of God, teaching us HOW to posture our head and heart, HOW to live. 

DITCH: Head Knowledge
ROAD: Holy Spirit
DITCH: Heart Knowledge

Here some other ditches:

DITCH: Couch Potato
ROAD: Holy Spirit 
DITCH: Workout Fanatic

DITCH: I trust no authority!
ROAD: Holy Spirit
DITCH: God only speaks through my pastor!

DITCH: I am free to do what ever I want!
ROAD: Holy Spirit
DITCH: Abiding by laws will be our salvation!

DITCH: Meticulous nutrition will keep me from sickness
Road: Holy Spirit
DITCH: Sickness only stems from spiritual matters

DITCH: Heart on the sleeve 
Road: Holy Spirit
DITCH: Total introvert

And many more....

I realized that it is "my style" to learn about something by landing in a ditch for a while. Much like a horse with blinders. It focusses me on the new topic, the new thoughts, new facts, new principles, etc. But I also realized that to stay in that one ditch or to say "You in my ditch or I ditch you" would be grave ignorance. I want to rely on the Holy Spirit to clean up and connect all the ditches in my life, to continue to show me the Truth in everything I know, by using everybody I know. 

Dear family in Jesus, I pray you were inspired to shed another layer of pretense in your life and embrace wise transparency in the Holy Spirt, as we are in need of one another; and so is the world.

Be blessed abundantly!