For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book: If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book.
Revelations 22, 18
Okay, I have had my fair share of people telling me what to do using bible verses not only out of context, but stretching the meaning of the words to an unhealthy level. Forgive me when you think this is one of these times! Believe me, my motives are noble and I mean to equip you on your journey to more health!
Let's look at the warning that Jesus Christ gives to John. He bestowed revelations about the times (prophecy) unto John and urges every hearer of John's testimony to not add anything. Well, isn't this neat ? Do you ever feel you need to add something to what you want to share, in order to make it more interesting, funnier, wittier, more sad etc.? Jesus tells us to listen carefully. What he says is enough. Stay true to the facts you received.
How do you feel when you learn that what you heared/read/saw was more than everything there was to it? I'd say it becomes a lie by definition.
How does it make you feel to be made aware that our every day food is LOADED with additions that don't belong there. LIES. We already talked about evil-minded enriched foods, perverted preservatives, high alarming high fructose corn syrup or atrocious artificial sweeteners and colors. We haven't reached the bottom yet of what there is to know about our daily bread that we are so thankful for.
Come on a little journey with me for a moment: Think of Southern France. Imagine the salty sea smell in the clean air. Can you see the vineyards on the one side of the quiet sunny and sandy street and the strawberry fields on the other? There is a tomato field right down the street. Can you sense the sweetness in the air? Now follow your taste buds and go into the strawberry field, pick one sun-riped dark red fruit, undust it with your hands and bite into it. How does it taste like? Can you imagine the tangy sweetness of pure fruit sugar and Vitamin C rising through your body, reviving every cell there is to you? Do you feel like praising the Lord for his goodness?
Now come back to America, the land of the possible impossibilities, see yourself sitting in your little office or classroom opening that bag of fast food at lunch time, inhaling a mixture of fat, fake nutrients and fake tastes and therefore fake smells. Bite into that enriched white flour bun burger and deep fried french fries, feel the excitement in your brain, the satisfaction on your tongue to bathe it in the tastes it craved ever since you got first introduced to processed food, eat it up, only to regret that you didn't buy a second burger and more french fries with it, and kick yourself for the thought "it was a good idea to go without the medium chocolate shake"!! The feeling of excitement by now has developed into heartburn and every cell there is to you is still waiting for the sensation of true nourishment/ being truly filled- waiting for Godot or Guffman- waiting in vain. So after a little while you're hungry again, and guess what you are going to crave on your way home? You're lucky, there is another drive thru on your way home! Do you feel like praising the Lord for that?
Now let's come back to you reading this Spa. If you read the other Postings you know by now what to look out for. Let me add one more LIE to your list (by now you want to read again what Jesus says WILL HAPPEN to the ones that add something to the truth he has given): GLUTAMATES. Those are flavor enhancers and in a nutshell the guests directly from your worst nightmare you would have never let into your house if only you had known their true nature before.
Glutamates are a form of excitotoxin and guess what they do? They get you really excited. Quick test, judging by your flesh, do you crave french fries or steamed broccoli? Well, let me give you a hint... Drop that, I think we got the point.
MSG stands for Monosodium glutamate. It can be in anything and everything. It can be in seasoning, any kind of can, any kind of dish you buy, snacks, desserts, dressing. It's everywhere. It will make you go for seconds, and thirds, and fourths. (Envision you and that chips bag/ ice cream box the other night).
Now besides making us eat and crave more than we need (= making us overweight), in what other ways do these lusting liars, added on top of God's provision, bring our bodies under the curse again ( our bodies = the temples of the holy spirit)?
Let me quote from Jillian Michaels book "Master your metabolism" (very, very highly recommended to get and read thoroughly):
"Excitotoxins dive into the brain with relative ease, excite brain cells, and can rapidly cause permanent brain damage and eventual cell death."
Almost like a drug this white powder changes your brain every time you consume it in it's various forms. Unfortunate is that obesity is only the immediate cause, the ways in that it will affect your whole metabolism in the long run are harder to foresee. Remember that I started this Blog because so many of us in the body of Christ have all sorts of sicknesses and issues? MSG is a lead to explaining how that can be.
Now, FDA says Glutamates are fine in tiny portions, but as we said earlier, it is in EVERYTHING you might be used to consume on a daily basis (and every book keeper knows: a little here- a little there sums up to A LOT).
Don't risk it. Stay away from MSG and it's various glutamate siblings. Read labels carefully in the grocery store and never ever blindly trust "all natural/ natural flavors" phrases. The easy way of not having any fellowship with these dirty dozens means staying away from processed foods as good as you can. Don't bluntly trust other chefs. Ask what's in it. If you don't watch what passes the threshold of your mouth, who will?? My mother-in-law still loves me sort of (thanks to the fruit of the holy spirit), even though I can be a pain in the ear.
Check your seasoning salts also! If salt isn't there to salt anymore, Jesus said during the sermon on the mount (Mt. 5-7) to TOSS IT OUT!! No kidding.
Need I remind you of the bible verse we started out with today? There are consequences to adding to the truth. So treat the topic with respect, I'd say. Let's be wise as doves and mature as steak eating children of God, exposing the schemes and tearing down the strongholds of the enemy! (Wow, I just managed to put at least 4 bible references together in this one sentence...)
Fall in love with the real thing. Does a salad need marshmallows/ and or tons of dressing? Does a naturally sweet sauce need added sugar? Does a french fry need to be killed of it's last little nourishing aspects in a deep fryer?
Answers: No, a salad does not need marshmallows. Teach your kids by example to eat vegetables, because your body is created to live off of them. Keep the dessert in the dessert corner. Try out a splash of virgin olive oil, a little salt and pepper over a salad bowl and get excited of the feeling of Southern France that comes with this simple way.
No, naturally sweet sauce does not need added sugar. Think of Southern France.
French Fries, onion rings, chicken fat nuggets or anything breaded, or fish, meat, vegetables, you name it, will be just fine in the oven. Deep frying is without a justifiable cause. Try to become a baker! There are so many wonderful and super simple ways to bake vegetables... Especially with some garlic and olive oil.
And now, the ball is in your court! Ignorance is bliss, but pain, obesity and sickness isn't. Again I leave you with reminding you that if you lack ability, passion or even conviction to change your habits, to go to the Lord himself and chat with him about that... Go with what ever he tells you to do.
Be blessed abundantly!
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