Thursday, December 26, 2013

The Pursuit of Holiness

Sometimes it takes divine intervention to get our attention. 

Dear family in the birthday-King Jesus!

On the quest to holistic health I am asking God to show his heart in the information I receive. That is essentially what holistic health means to me. Knowing God´s heart in every aspect of life and allowing it to transform us more after the image of Jesus- a son or daughter of God.

We must not lead a life of craving satisfaction.
We get to be free of regrets after a meal.
We need not be ashamed of our bodies.
We are blessed to make healthy choices.
We get to be united with God`s initial intention, as presented in the story of the Garden of Eden, which has not changed: to be known as the provider of the needs of our body, psyche, and spirit. In this context I want to share a dream I had last night.

In the dream someone gave me a word from God for me, personally. A request to stop doing something related to nutrition. (I am not going to tell you what the exact request was, as I believe it was for me personally and you get to ask Him yourself what His word is to you, personally.) So, back in the dream they gave me the request verbally and I instantly argued with them. I argued with them even though I was convicted that them delivering this word makes for two witnesses and I should accept their word to me. Then they gracefully left the table we were sitting at together, leaving me with a few sheets of paper. I grabbed the paper and tried to jot down as much as I could. The only sentence I recall writing down was: Christina is not to _____________.

Waking up I knew that this dream couldn´t be ignored. Especially not since I had recently told someone close to me that I believe God sometimes speaks to me in dreams. Had this dream been about somebody else, I would have not hesitated to prayerfully reflect on it. BUT, since I definitely did not like the message, nor thought it was necessary, I knew my mind would not just come up with a dream like that.

I spent the whole morning pondering on the dream, seeking a truthful response to it, since I knew I really did not wish to be obedient, hoping to find a reason why this was not God speaking. Then it dawned on me: I get to submit my will to the Father in heaven that I trust. What an experience of freedom! In the dream I thought to myself that there were two witnesses, as I had felt that I had procrastinated to really seek God´s will concerning that particular thing for a while. It was nagging in the back of my mind, accusing me. So now I had my divine intervention gently steering my attention towards a personal topic, and I get to have peace knowing that God spoke to me and I get to be obedient until further notice.

I cannot make a rule of what He asked of me, because the thing itself is no sin. Usually the thing itself is not the issue, but our heart´s attitude towards it.
Now I joyfully expect to get to know God´s heart better. 

Now, dear family connected in the holy spirit, let me encourage you to spend some time at the end of this year and pull on the lose threads that dangle in front of your life´s eyes. What are they leading to? Is God trying to get your attention? Is He asking you to start to do, or to quit something? If you feel a nudging, or a check within yourself to change something particular in your life, please also be free to know:

It is not your salvation that is at stake when you disobey.
Nor do you gain your salvation when you obey.
Our salvation is secure in the personal acceptance of what Jesus Christ did for us.

In times when I know God has a direction for me that I do not want to take it has an effect on my relationship with Him. The divine direction I ignore becomes a nagging voice in the back of my head, turning into sin (something that separates me from God) giving the accuser of the church (satan) grounds, because I do not wish God to enter that part of my life. Christians might be the most wretched people in the world if they still cannot be fully honest with others, themselves and essentially God.

That is also when the dreaded "should-ing" starts to enter.

"I know I should do this, but....". A terrible feeling. A time to come up with excuses. Maybe even a season to seek for biblical reasons to avoid personal obedience. "The bible says I am free to do all things, so don´t you put me under the law...". Eventually that leads to the hardening of the heart, and the deliverance to the consequences of our choices.

If you are feeling this way, I encourage you to allow God entrance into this part of your heart. Even if you know you do not wish to adjust to His personally expressed will to you, ask Him to stay with you as you continue with what ever it is that you cannot let go of or do not want to do. Ask Him to change your heart, to convict you of his trustworthiness.  
I have experienced God works within me exactly in that way, until the put-off request becomes a decision of freely submitting my will and actions to God. And as humans we are to be free do that! 

Having been saved from an abusive micro-managing leadership I desire to pass on nothing but God´s freedom and grace.
AND- not BUT-  there is also the freedom and grace to obey God´s individual leads. At the very least we can expect to get to know more of His heart! As children we start our lives seeking personal happiness. As adults we get to realize that setting ourselves apart as God leads us, individually, we could never be happier! 
Merry Christmas, a happy new year, and be blessed abundantly!    

Thursday, November 14, 2013

A Can Because You Can? No, You Can't!

For I CAN do everything through Christ, who gives me strength.
                                                                             Philippians 4, 13 

Dear family in Jesus!

How wonderful it is to be strengthened by Jesus! Nothing compares to living your life out of his strength and for his glory, than our own. A never ceasing fountain is our God! We can do what we are asked to because God provides us with the strength and wisdom "to can".

Not so with the other "can" in our lives. Cans have been a fascinating and very helpful invention back in the 18th century, but today we have other, and let me say: BETTER options to store or conserve food. 

I am not picking on cans because I am running out of topics! 

You might consider cans a tiny detail in your cuisine where the convenience overthrows concerns. 
Consider this: 

I, always on the grocery store hunt for new healthy food items, invested a little over $3 in a can of wild caught tuna. You can get cans of tuna for 50cent at Aldi, but here I am thinking I am doing my health a great favor. Within minutes of consuming the tuna I noticed a quite surprisingly new sense of discomfort, we can call this "pain", in my stomach. I lived with it for a few days, but when the accompanying nausea would not settle either, I decided it was time to see my Naturopathic Doctor. Due to his specific testing he was able to pin point the cause to metal poisoning. Needless to say that I then had to invest into my health in an equally painful way, but at least after a few days I was better. 

There are many reasons as to why to stay away from (canned) processed foods, but even supposedly healthy foods found in cans can be dangerous. Bisphenol-A (BPA) is an industrial chemical that is supposed to prevent the can from deteriorating. Unfortunately it poses a high risk to our health as it is linked to many diseases, including the hormones, kidneys and the heart. BPA is even present in urine samples of adults and children alike. This all sounds very concerning to me. Of course the problem isn't limited to cans; plastic containers, such as baby bottles, can also be sources.

3 Ideas To Minimize Your BPA Exposure Drastically:

1. DO NOT rely (for the very most part) on cans. Buy the glass version instead or make from scratch.
2. DO NOT (NEVER EVER!!!!!) microwave plastic containers, unless they are microwave safe. 
3. NO PLASTIC BAGS/ FREEZER BAGS/CLING WRAP IN THE MICROWAVE!!! Thaw frozen items in warm water or leave out for a few hours instead. 

I am not going to leave you as mere can orphans, but remind you of the fantastic invention of THE CROCK POT! 

- Rather than consuming heavy sodium laden chicken soup from the can (lacking most of the nutrients you hoped to receive), make your own chicken stock and soup with the crock pot! All it takes is a little planning ahead, but the benefits will outweigh any inconvenience by far. 
- Rather than consuming beans from the can, buy organic beans or peas in bulk (Coborn's natural area for instance), leave them with enough water in the crock pot on medium heat for about 18 hours (the wonderful process of soaking!), rinse them, and eat them merrily. Leftovers stay good in the fridge for about 5 days! SO EASY!

I release you back into your day hoping that you will be blessed by learning about another way that you can be a good stewart of your own, and your families, health! 

Be blessed abundantly!

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Tropical Schnitzel Fish

Jesus called out to them, “Friends, haven’t you any fish?”
John 21, 5

Dear family in Jesus Christ!

I used to tease my husband in attempts to justify serving a fish dish that Jesus didn't conquer death and said "Haven't you any cheese burgers?". But actually he might have, if his disciples had worked on a farm or at a restaurant. But they happened to be fishers. A physically and mentally extremely demanding occupation. 

First conclusion: There is something fishy with the idea that fish is not a power food for hard working men! 

Since fish is loaded with protein it is a must in a balanced protein diet. Protein is needed by our cells to maintain and repair themselves. After physical exertion a serving of protein is simply a must. (How do you keep a fish from smelling? Cut off his nose!)

Second conclusion: It is very SMART to eat fish at least 2-3x per week!

Fish comes with the essential fatty acid Omega-3, needed to aid in, for instance, brain function. The amounts vary, but the important point is that the most qualitative Omega-3s are found in fish. Omega-3s support our health and are even thought to prevent Alzheimer's and Dementia! (Why are fish so smart? Because they spent their lives in schools!)

Third conclusion: It is an all together happy occasion to eat fish!

Studies have proven that cultures that are higher in fish and fish oil consumption have lower levels of depression. In our culture it is believed that we consume Omega-3s and Omega-6s, as found in Oils or meat, in an unhealthy balance. Guess what we ingest more often? Omega-6s are also necessary to a healthy diet, but the dose makes the poison. Adding various fish to our diet and taking a quality fish oil can be a great idea (ask your nutrition specialist). Mercury toxicity is a real threat in our time. I'd stay away from canned tuna and stick to the "wild-caught" version. If you are hooked: Here a guide to making good fish choices:

What does all that have to do with the Tropical Schnitzel Fish? That is my new recipe creation for fish. 

You will need: 

- Organic Coconut Oil
- Organic Coconut Flour (found in the natural section of Coborns)
- Fish (Really, I believe this is great with all kinds of fish (salmon, tilapia, pollock, cod, etc.), though maybe not canned tuna)

Put some coconut flour in a bigger bowl and toss your wet fish in there. Heat up coconut oil in a pan (with a lid preferably, due to fat splashing). Fry fish in pan until brown and crispy. I make it sound so easy, but you will have to experiment with heat to avoid burning little fishy. Serve with steamed veggies and/or sprouted quinoa and Voila!

As always I release you back into your day, praying that you got inspired to continuously walk towards becoming a better stewart of your body!

Be blessed eFISHiently!


Sunday, September 8, 2013

The Language of Love: A Home Cooked Meal

Like cold water to a thirsty soul, 
so is good news coming from a far country. 
Proverbs 25, 25

Dear family in Jesus!

Coming home last night I found a parcel addressed to me waiting in front of our door!
The feeling of waiting to open parcels from Germany is maybe best compared to a child waking  on Christmas morning. Not sure what's inside the box, but it will be great! 

My Mom sent me, enveloped in 2 pounds of German chocolate, a binder of recipes of her mother, my Grandmother, she had long been meaning to put together. Filled with photographs of her and Grandpa, of us and the cousins, uncles and aunts. I am very grateful for the loving and encouraging influence my Grandparents had on my life. I can only desire to gain the ability to see someone in the best light at all times, open my house, heart, and kitchen to extend hospitality and comfort like they were able to. 

This collection of Grandma's recipes reminds the remaining family of the God-given gift that she so willingly embraced to share with us. She would spent hours and days in the kitchen, preparing the most pleasing and taste buds exciting meals only to see her family be connected by the enjoyment and appreciation of her work. And it did work. She was the glue that held a family together. Her birthday celebration in July and Christmas gathering in December were given dates on all of our calendars. Without her we find ourselves in the process of developing a new family culture to keep the extended family connected, which proves to be challenging with members moving to all sorts of the world's continents or corners of the home country.

Since I picked up working in schools I got painfully aware that one thing I always took for granted is not a given in this country; Leaving school at 1:30pm to go home and have a home cooked meal with your mother. In a country where school ends around 4pm or later a child might even go through weeks at a time without ever having seen its parents bustle about in the kitchen or being asked to help with chopping vegetables or washing dishes. 

Why do I think that there is something wrong with that? 

1) I wish everybody got to experience the joy of someone cooking for THEM daily. Not trying to please the taste of the masses, but with them in mind while preparing the food. That truly is a language of love spoken in unmistakable words.

2) I honestly don't see a redemptive value in a fast food culture. Food is everything but fast. It takes time to grow. It takes effort to harvest. It takes patience to prepare. Once consumed it either supports the body's needs and functions or it causes damage. To prepare it in minutes and chomp it down in seconds is out of sync with the nature of food and  the creator of it. 

3) Thinking "I don't have time to cook a healthy meal" is like thinking you don't have time to go to work. If working provides you with the means to live a good life, then cooking a healthy meal provides you with the nutrients to sustain you to live that good life. 

4) I expect my meals to keep me feeling good and nourished in the long run. Sure I'll have desert or a serving of junk food on very rare occasions. But my mindset dictates my day to day choices and with that created a lifestyle that I am not easily willing to see compromised. If that means I'm preparing a meal to take to school the next day at midnight, I'll do that. 

Are you content with the status quo when it comes to the food culture in the Western World? How do we raise the bar?

We can't expect that the school/work cafeteria can provide the quality of food we need. If putting together a "to go care package" is not going to happen, let's find the time to prepare a home cooked meal for dinner, rather than warming up processed freezer food. We have virtually endless resources of healthy meal ideas and how to cook within our reach online. It might take some time to getting our recipients taste buds and the way we cook a healthy meal in sync (I've been there, it's a journey worth taking!), but like every relationship takes work and time so it is with the chef and the eater.

Dear family in Jesus, I pray that you are inspired to rearrange your priorities if necessary so you rediscover the joy of choosing ingredients, preparing and enjoying your own home cooked meal and reap the blessings that come from that!

Be blessed abundantly!

Monday, August 26, 2013

Wholly Holy!

"The opposite of holy is not dirty. It is common."

Dear family in the Lord!

Today I welcome you with a quote someone shared with me. As children of God we are called to be holy, but what does holy mean in a practical sense? Let's look at it together!

Last weekend our team went to a suburb of Chicago to have a conference with other Christians. The conference itself exceeded all expectations by far, but the day after turned out less desirable.

A friend that had a major part in the day of the conference, was supposed to do the same at a different event next day. Unfortunately she had been having symptoms during the weeks prior to our trip, so that she decided to see the a medical doctor twice, in order to get healed. After her second visit she was prescribed antibiotics that she started taking the day of our important conference. During the night after the amazing conference, she started to throw up and ran a very high fewer. We were all sure that it was a reaction to the antibiotics. We decided to make sure she drank water and kept her in bed with cold wraps on her head.

However, the people we stayed with made it clear to us that they thought it was irresponsible to not have her brought to a hospital with a temp of 102.5. So we left it up to our friend to choose to go to the ER or not. Needless to say that we had a lot of prayer support during the whole time. She, exhausted and in terrible pain, desired relief and chose to go to the ER. By the time we got her to the ER her fever had dropped by 2 degrees.

After her first examination she was declared "not in immediate need of attention" so we sat with the suffering little impersonation of her for over two hours in the waiting room. When she was designated a room her fever had dropped another degree. She was still in excruciating pain. The assigned doctor, (here is some comic relief) was a German, who didn't think that our diagnosis was accurate, so she had her take a different antibiotic and put her on an IV with water and pain medicine. Our friend didn't feel better at all and the tests they did to pinpoint the problem came back negative. So they ended up giving her morphine which made her dizzy, but didn't deliver the much desired relief of pain. She did feel a little appetite however and rather than something nourishing, such as a broth, she was given "Jello", which, no surprise, made her more nauseous.

When she was released, a total of 10 hours later, she was in the same terrible state and still throwing up just now with a naturally lowered temp. My faith in the medical world by that time had dropped from a low number to a negative value. All I could think of was getting her away from the hospital and the people that would put their sole trust in it and to get her home. So we did decide to make the seven hour trip home that night. I never appreciated the effects of sugar like I did on that long road trip!

She ended up seeing our trusted Nutrition-Response-Therapy Doctor who was able to help her and now she is fine once again.

We prayed and discerned throughout that whole day, "How could this happen?" Where was the open door for the enemy to touch us? For me it was clear that this horrible distraction was able to get to us because she had made a choice. The choice was to go back to something we already knew doesn't  work anymore. She was like the Israelites in the desert, freed from slavery, desiring to go back to Egypt because they were hungry, rather than trusting that God is not forsaking them in the place He had led them to. Maybe she thought it was too expensive to see our NRT Doc in the first place when symptoms started occurring. Anyway, it turned out "not affordable" to not go the unusual route, as we have seen in this latest experience.

Dear family in the Lord, I know hospitals can save lives and doctors can be tools of health. I am not stating that everybody has to draw the same conclusions that I have. My life's experience, though, has been that 
1) My mother was advised to abort me for "medical concerns" (we both turned out alright)
2) I have been misdiagnosed and/or mistreated with various meds ....
3) ....which led to side effects that I needed treatment for and even more longterm problems for not having been healed of the original issue. 
4) Now, after going the uncommon route, I am totally wrecked, rendered useless and out of order to function in the regular world: I can't go back to wearing or smelling perfume without getting migraines, I can't use most lotions without getting rashes, I can't eat what most people eat without getting sick, I can't be sedentary without having insomnia, body aches and anxiety, I can't even take a vacation from my lifestyle during a week of vacation: I'll get sick. It is like coming down from a mountain and realizing that you are one of the very few that have been changed forever. 

You see that based on my experience of what doesn't work for me and what does work for me I am making choices. Some sneer at me for that, others, on the same path to seeking lasting health, ask me to share what I have found. It turns out that our call for being holy can be extended to not going the common medical route, but to seek for uncommon ways; and the fruit that follows will serve as proof. 

Dear family in the Lord, I know there are Quacks and Charlatans out there. That is why we need to ask people we trust for recommendations and see for ourselves.

Being holy means being uncommon. Not uncommon to be different at all cost, but after having discerned truth, daring to go new ways, which can turn out to be rather old, but forgotten, ways.

I pray that we would be refreshed and joyful during our live's journey to Wholesome Holiness!

Be blessed abundantly! 


Sunday, July 28, 2013

No Spain- No Gain

When the woman (Eve) saw that the fruit of the tree (of the knowledge of Good and Evil) was good for food and pleasing to the eye, and also desirable for gaining wisdom, she took some and ate it. She also gave some to her husband (Adam), who was with her, and he ate it. Genesis 3, 6

Then Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they do.” Luke 23. 34a

Dear family in the Lord!

At the beach in Spain, observing myself relaxing my regiment of strenuous exercise and disciplined meal sizes, it dawned on me: No Spain - no gain. Spain is my personal paradise on earth. And you can't exist in paradise without gaining something. Be it body fat pounds or the revelation that God is Good and man is not. Let's talk about two people who had everything they needed and experienced the pain of desiring to gain more.

The creation story in Genesis teaches us that God is a God of grandeur and simplicity. He created a marvelous world for His children to fruitfully live in with the need for just ONE RULE. Where in the Western World can you go (or travel) to today and find that you only need to abide by ONE RULE? 

This one rule, to not eat the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil, could be paraphrased by God saying, "You get to trust me completely." If Eve had trusted God completely she and Adam would have cast the snake out of the Garden before it could plant the seed of distrust in their hearts. "Did God really say...? Does God really mean it well with you...? Can't you see that God withholds the ability to be like him from you...?" But they chose to argue with the father of lies. 

We know how the story unfolds. Eve believed the snake and desired to be like God, so they ate from the forbidden fruit. With that they gained the ability to know Good and and to know Evil. But God didn't want them to know Good and Evil. At least not at that time. He wanted them to grow up in a peaceful world full of providence where they could get to know Him better every day, experience His goodness and be grounded in a deep and unshakeable trust in Him. How could the history of the world have unfolded if they would have listened? How could our personal history unfold if we would abide by this one rule? 

Within seconds of exposing their uncorrupted DNA to the fruit of the knowledge of Good and Evil, man was infested by the consequence of listening to a liar rather than trusting in their maker's one rule. Consequently man knew he was judged to death and hid from his creator, for he now knew first hand that they had chosen evil over good,  separating them from their maker. I wonder: What would have happened if Adam and Eve had eaten from the tree and, rather than hiding from God's presence, had directed their remorse towards scandalous hope for mercy and shouted into God's face "FATHER, FORGIVE US! WE DON'T KNOW WHAT WE ARE DOING!"

Jesus shouted on our behalf. While he hung and endured the death penalty for man, who, overcome by the terror of sin, ran away from God. Jesus, in unimaginable physical and spiritual agony because of being burdened with the sin of the world, directed his pain of being separated from God towards God and interceded for the ones that were killing him. He did what Adam and Eve failed to do, he directed the hope for mercy towards God. He could have hid, he had the authority to burn the whole place to ashes. No, Jesus did not back down. He died knowing that mankind was not capable to overcome their own corruption- but God was and He did. The terrible gap that man caused by choosing to distrust God was fixed by God Himself in Jesus. 

The transition of man choosing evil to the topic of nutrition will not surprise you; as it is not new.

Thinking of the food industry in the Western World today I can't help but desire that mankind would be convicted of their evil. Just like Adam and Eve our society fell for the lies of the devil and built an empire upon it. "Paradise" in my analogy would be our ability to govern and have dominion over the creation. But somewhere between the distrust that the earth will naturally continue to produce sufficient food for us, and the greed of gaining riches by exploiting what is exploitable, we have been terribly corrupted. We ate the forbidden fruit of wanting to be like God. 

Produce is genetically modified so it turns out bigger and more profitable. Livestock is exposed to growth hormones and treated like a mere profit production machine. The consumer lost touch with the reality of what it takes to produce the food and drink they have gotten used to. To find relief for our consequent aches and illnesses we turn to synthetic pills and put our hope for mercy into doctors.

We are stuck in a vicious circle. As long as we, the consumer, continue to literally pay homage to this industry, it will not stop. As long as we profit from this cycle by finding the price tags on our food to be to our liking, we say that we stand in agreement with it.

We can't change the way the whole world turns. But we can face God, if we are convicted, and ask Him to forgive us for we don't know what we are doing to His creation, including ourselves. Neither humanism, nor environmentalism, nor emancipation of the organic farmers, nor ethicists can take our guilt away or put an end to our problem. Our only hope is to direct our scandalous need for mercy towards God the Father rather than hiding in our evil system. Let's individually and corporately stand in front of Him and seek the way to live in this world and yet not be of this world. One practical way, is to continuously make small and improving changes in the foods we buy. Here is a new product for your consideration:  


The POWER FOOD "Sprouted Quinoa"! 
(You'll find it in the Natural Section of Coborns and can use it instead of rice, cereal, pasta, etc.) 
Sprouted Quinoa is the best option when it comes to grain products! You'll get a great serving of complete protein, B2 Vitamins for your brain and muscles, antioxidants to protect you from sickness, magnesium and iron to improve your blood health, and fiber which has been proven to bring your cholesterol levels in a stout balance.

With this I release you back into your day, praying that you wouldn't buy into the Devil' s accusation but desire to have God use you as part of His solution for breaking His one rule, to trust Him.

Be blessed abundantly!

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Spiritual Spa# 22: Organic Growth

To everything there is a season,
A time for every purpose under heaven. 

                                                                     Ecclesiastes 3,1

Dear family in the Lord!

At times my life has been like the life of a conventional tomato. 

Tomatoes in all their different kinds are to be considered an absolute everyday must-have food! Lycopene and antioxidant activity make these little mysteries (is it a fruit? does it belong on veggie tales??) your good friend when it comes to fighting free radicals in your body. The health benefits are more available and digestible if you cook with them. So start every veggie pan or pasta sauce with tomatoes and onions. Sauce away with tomatoes!

In Spiritual Spa#9 What would Jesus eat? I mentioned an important part of my personal history. I was part of a toxic christian fellowship for three years and that is now over three years ago. I was treated like a conventional tomato as described by Jillian Michaels in the much quoted book "Master your Metabolism". 

A conventional tomato grows in overexploited, and with that nutrient scarce, soil to meet the needs of parsimonious consumers. What was the soil in my group? The members. Any relationship where the stronger party uses the weaker to meet their needs is abusive. Instead of leading our gaze to Jesus and nurture a personal relationship with Him the leaders led us to look at and obey them. A soil void of nutrients. 

A conventional tomato is not being trusted to deal with natural problems like weed or insect infestation. The risk that during the process of fighting opposing elements it could be killed overrides the benefit that in this process of struggle it can grow more attached to the ground and absorb more nutrients, becoming a tomato with higher nutrient levels. How does that translate into my cult situation? The leaders established an atmosphere where the person that pointed out a problem with the leadership became the problem. To undermine a persons ability to discern or at least give feedback on felt dynamics weakens/injures their trust in their personal sense of reality. If we shared problems that occurred with friends or family, usually having to do with them expressing concern, often resulted in having to give up all contact with them. A plantation sprayed with toxic pesticides against any potential problem.

A conventional tomato gets plucked and shipped before it is ripe to not turn moldy at the grocery store. Because it was harvested before its time it gets sprayed with argon gas to make it turn red prematurely. We really need to get this. I am not the only one that has been forced to "pretend like everything is great". We do it to ourselves and maybe even our families. We think we need to portray like we have it all together when in reality we don't. My life in this cult was ruled by charade. The leadership gained the trust of the vulnerable "sheep" and combined with complete confusion managed to produce followers that didn't know right from wrong because those words were up to the leadership's definition. We had to pay for leaderships plans and expenses. We had to give our time and the lack thereof. Cut off relationships including family. Be obedient to the point of insanity. We did terribly unloving deeds in the name of righteousness and "God". We looked down on other Christians, because we were shining examples of obedience, dying to the flesh, speaking in tongues, prophesying and doing what needed to be done to further a kingdom. We pretended we had it all figured out and professed trust and testimonies and defended the leadership when attacked- even though or maybe because they convinced or coerced us to play a part in their aspirations of grandeur. And all that with a smirk. Sprayed with toxic gas to appear ripe.

Guess what, when it comes to buying tomatoes I go organic!! :) 

My life after leaving the dangerous influence of that leadership has been much more compared to the life of an organic tomato. The new soil the Father in heaven planted me into was filled with generous and loving people that did everything they could to nourish my broken soul. I was entrusted with having a unique personality and design. In the manner of the play "The king's speech" I learned that God gave me a voice and it is a great adventure to figure out what He wants to say through me. One outcome of that journey is this blog. People covenanted with me rather than seeking to rule over me and that laid a healthy foundation for life-giving relationships including struggles. I have been given permission to grow organically, meaning there is no force or demand on how I am to turn out. That is freedom. 

So, dear family in the Lord, let's go vote every time we go into the grocery store as we pay $1 more and invest into organic tomatoes. No one should be treated like a conventional tomato, not even a tomato.  

Be blessed abundantly!


Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Spiritual Spa # 21 The Lie with the "I"

If one part suffers, every part suffers with it; if one part is honored, every part rejoices with it.
1. Corinthians 12, 26

Dear family in the Lord!

I have had a hard time finding the words to this post. Since the beginning of February to be quite honest. I am now applying an expert's advice: If you have a writer's block- write about writer's block. So, what I basically want to tell you since over a month is "I hurt because people I care about hurt." It's not only sickness related, but that is definitely a good chunk of it. I am also grieving over choices people close to me make to isolate themselves or choose deception over going on a journey to seek truth. I am saddened by stories of families, including my own, being affected by sin of others. There. I find it quite a stumbling block being affected by the problems brought onto you through other people.  

One of the saddest attitudes I have run into, whether it be training or counseling related, goes like this: at the end of the day my actions only hurt myself. Like the gambler that thinks his addiction doesn't affect his family. Or the alcoholic that is convinced he has it all under control. Or the person that can't close the fridge when the tummy is filled. Or the feud started by one convincing but bitter person. Nobody lives in a vacuum. We all affect one another. Your choices affect more than just you. 

Items we pay for in the store are overpriced because people steal. Food quality is a thing from the past because people are greedy. Poor kids in poor countries make our clothes for little wage because we want to be fashionable.    

Paul describes the followers of Jesus Christ in his letter to the Corinthians as ONE person. One body. One head. One heart. We get the picture. Just like when you get a compliment for your hair your toes aren't like: "Would someone notice my purple shine- I keep this boat floating?!" 

To be one means to stick together through good and bad and care about one another gently. So hands down, can we say if we see another part of the body at fault "Well, that is their own problem! Too bad they don't come to our church building!"? 

Your choices affect every body including your own. That's incredible power. And here starts my problem with this peppy piece. What if you are sick and hurt? Am I blaming you? Are we to judge you, the ones that suffer because you do? No, no, and no. In the book of Job we learn that Job's friends got into a lot of trouble for thinking Job did something to deserve any of his misery. But he didn't- that wasn't the point and they missed it. 

We can get callous though and omit to do our part, I'm referring to our own lives now. Especially amongst Christians I have come across the 'tude that "the kingdom is not eating and drinking" and we therefore need not worry about what we eat- but the negative effects of this ignorance are still showing and growing. We think it important to share the Gospel with a bumper sticker on our cars, but fail to realize that the only community to which our terrible eating habits are Good News is: the pharmaceutical industry.

Yes, there is grace. But there is also responsibility. 

Since I believe that the physical and the spiritual world are not separate, I am convinced that our invisible actions matter just as much as our visible. We reap what we sow, in the seen as in the unseen. That includes keeping our hearts transparent to our Father in heaven and having him clean up, letting him into every room of our "house" and fill it with his furniture, pictures and lamps. Do you need to forgive someone? Do you need to ask for forgiveness? Do you need to break unhealthy soul ties? Are you refusing to listen to the guidance of the Holy Spirit in an aspect? And it includes treating this physical temple we have been given with similar dedication. 

Do you want to hear how I was freed of this heavy heart I carried around for a while? Jesus. I found myself worn down over weeks of waiting for some kind of relief, realizing that in this time of distress more than anything I need a savior. Jesus is enough. He is the King of kings. I can leave looking at the mere situations behind and put all my hope and trust in Him. Man, it is so simple to get distracted from this core of our faith. 

From here I want to offer you a slight switch in your lifestyle that you could consider as "doing your part", as far as you can control it in the natural. (By the way, I am NOT sponsored by La Croix)

Switch from Pop, Diet Pop or sweetened drinks to "La Croix" water. You find it in the same isle as those catastrophic cans. Maybe you have been looking for a truly guilt free alternative. I believe "La Croix" water does the magic. It's bubbly and comes in fabulous flavors such as Coconut or Peach-Pear. They are completely sugar/sweetener and sodium free, flavored with natural flavors only and have 0 calories. It's not sweet, but in my humble opinion a refreshing treat. 

With that said I release you back into march, hoping that you are inspired to look for these little (or maybe big) things that are up to you, but then again - not just you. There, it is said. Thanks to the expert!

Be blessed abundantly! 

Thursday, January 3, 2013


“For the grace of God has appeared that offers salvation to all people. It teaches us to say “No” to ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright and godly lives in this present age” Titus 2 11+12 

Dear family in the Lord!

Welcome in 2013! Let's get right into the good stuff!

Excuses, excuses. We all have them. We all fall short. Today I'm going to shock you with how the stereotypical Personal Trainer thinks. Don't worry- I'm here to encourage and not to tear down.

First of all, someone who becomes a Personal Trainer has a passion for physical fitness. Many have their own history of overcoming reasons to not be in good physical shape. They have a desire to see others getting "bit by the health bug", because they know you will also start to feel GREAT. To start looking at one health aspect of your life after the other and bringing chaos and omission to order and discipline. So when we hear excuses we like to challenge: Do they really pose impossible hindrances or are they just a shortcut to not feeling guilty for omitting? A Personal Trainer understands that something is holding you back. We have been there. But to listen to people lie to you, and more important to themselves, is probably the most frustrating part of being a Personal Trainer.

There are likely Personal Trainers out there who would use the insight they have and look down on people still in need of a lasting lifestyle change. That is how the world (not the kingdom of God) works. The dentist might look down on the cavity patient. The Postman might judge your front yard. The judge might judge and think to himself "what a bunch of lunatics out there".

Let's note that this is part of the fallen world we live in. To think that you would be judged when you enter a gym or join some kind of a workout setting is futile. You are always being judged. Face it and ask our Father in heaven to implant HIS judgement in your heart.

Next I'd like to address another severe issue. When I went through a continuos Ed class about Injury prevention I was shocked to find the room filled with 40 mid aged Personal Trainers, Gym owners or Group Exercise Instructors who were for the most part injured for a lifetime. The Instructor of the class had us introduce ourselves and speak about our injury history. Many of the impaired Fitness Professionals mentioned to have been "young and stupid"- they had worked their body beyond what it could take. Back, shoulder, knee, hip, wrist, elbow, neck, jaw, no part of the skeleton was left out. To be honest: That class made a lasting impact on me. It taught me to stay in tune with what my body wants, can handle and needs. I love my body. I don't think I need to beat it up or force it to look (or fall short) of what I think I'm expected to look like. I also like to encourage my clients that it is more important to consider what is realistic to achieve and maintain in YOUR life, rather than comparing your choices to others.

Let's note that to fall into the trap of trying to compete with everybody out there and be the fittest, best looking person ever is part of a fallen world we live in. Face it and ask our Father in heaven for forgiveness.

Lastly let's look at the M word. Motivation. Coming to the conviction that you need to work out doesn't mean the work is done. I love how I feel after working out. I love getting stronger or challenging my strength. Trainers, Gym owners or Instructors realize though that the hardest part about working out is to actually show up. Getting up an hour earlier, not directly heading home after work, leaving the comfort of your house after dinner... It is absolutely understandable that all the above pose potential stumbling blocks to your success. Let me fill you in on a secret: That can be the reason for choosing a fitness related career! Did you ever notice that hair stylists have great hair, chefs might be chubby, or law enforcement officers have a hard time being "off duty"? It's because they love what they do and become what they do. Does this mean that every Fitness Professional must look ripped and super fit? No, it does not. But does it mean we think twice about eating dessert, having a pizza or skipping a planned work out? Probably yes.

Let's note that we all are subject to lacking motivation to do what we know we are called to do because it is part of the fallen world we live in. Face it and ask for the diligence to do every good work.

You might have noticed that neither the Personal Trainer nor everybody else is perfect or has it all figured out. We all are in need of first salvation and then redemption. I hope the post today reminded you that we are surrounded by darkness but can't use this an excuse to not take care of our bodies and seek health. Into the darkness shines a LIGHT and the darkness was not able to defeat this LIGHT. This light that wants to penetrate every aspect of our lives is called Jesus Christ. To live like Paul writes to Titus in the quoted verses, a wholesome lifestyle of godliness, we need his spirit- the Holy Spirit. Ask and you shall receive! 

Be blessed abundantly!