“For the grace of God has appeared that offers salvation to all people. It teaches us to say “No” to ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright and godly lives in this present age” Titus 2 11+12
Dear family in the Lord!
Welcome in 2013! Let's get right into the good stuff!
Excuses, excuses. We all have them. We all fall short. Today I'm going to shock you with how the stereotypical Personal Trainer thinks. Don't worry- I'm here to encourage and not to tear down.
First of all, someone who becomes a Personal Trainer has a passion for physical fitness. Many have their own history of overcoming reasons to not be in good physical shape. They have a desire to see others getting "bit by the health bug", because they know you will also start to feel GREAT. To start looking at one health aspect of your life after the other and bringing chaos and omission to order and discipline. So when we hear excuses we like to challenge: Do they really pose impossible hindrances or are they just a shortcut to not feeling guilty for omitting? A Personal Trainer understands that something is holding you back. We have been there. But to listen to people lie to you, and more important to themselves, is probably the most frustrating part of being a Personal Trainer.
There are likely Personal Trainers out there who would use the insight they have and look down on people still in need of a lasting lifestyle change. That is how the world (not the kingdom of God) works. The dentist might look down on the cavity patient. The Postman might judge your front yard. The judge might judge and think to himself "what a bunch of lunatics out there".
Let's note that this is part of the fallen world we live in. To think that you would be judged when you enter a gym or join some kind of a workout setting is futile. You are always being judged. Face it and ask our Father in heaven to implant HIS judgement in your heart.
Next I'd like to address another severe issue. When I went through a continuos Ed class about Injury prevention I was shocked to find the room filled with 40 mid aged Personal Trainers, Gym owners or Group Exercise Instructors who were for the most part injured for a lifetime. The Instructor of the class had us introduce ourselves and speak about our injury history. Many of the impaired Fitness Professionals mentioned to have been "young and stupid"- they had worked their body beyond what it could take. Back, shoulder, knee, hip, wrist, elbow, neck, jaw, no part of the skeleton was left out. To be honest: That class made a lasting impact on me. It taught me to stay in tune with what my body wants, can handle and needs. I love my body. I don't think I need to beat it up or force it to look (or fall short) of what I think I'm expected to look like. I also like to encourage my clients that it is more important to consider what is realistic to achieve and maintain in YOUR life, rather than comparing your choices to others.
Let's note that to fall into the trap of trying to compete with everybody out there and be the fittest, best looking person ever is part of a fallen world we live in. Face it and ask our Father in heaven for forgiveness.
Lastly let's look at the M word. Motivation. Coming to the conviction that you need to work out doesn't mean the work is done. I love how I feel after working out. I love getting stronger or challenging my strength. Trainers, Gym owners or Instructors realize though that the hardest part about working out is to actually show up. Getting up an hour earlier, not directly heading home after work, leaving the comfort of your house after dinner... It is absolutely understandable that all the above pose potential stumbling blocks to your success. Let me fill you in on a secret: That can be the reason for choosing a fitness related career! Did you ever notice that hair stylists have great hair, chefs might be chubby, or law enforcement officers have a hard time being "off duty"? It's because they love what they do and become what they do. Does this mean that every Fitness Professional must look ripped and super fit? No, it does not. But does it mean we think twice about eating dessert, having a pizza or skipping a planned work out? Probably yes.
Let's note that we all are subject to lacking motivation to do what we know we are called to do because it is part of the fallen world we live in. Face it and ask for the diligence to do every good work.
You might have noticed that neither the Personal Trainer nor everybody else is perfect or has it all figured out. We all are in need of first salvation and then redemption. I hope the post today reminded you that we are surrounded by darkness but can't use this an excuse to not take care of our bodies and seek health. Into the darkness shines a LIGHT and the darkness was not able to defeat this LIGHT. This light that wants to penetrate every aspect of our lives is called Jesus Christ. To live like Paul writes to Titus in the quoted verses, a wholesome lifestyle of godliness, we need his spirit- the Holy Spirit. Ask and you shall receive!
Be blessed abundantly!
Very good post! We all need this right now and felt your inserts between paragraphs to ask our Lord for forgiveness so uplifting. We need to be reminded of these lessons, thank you!