Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Spiritual Spa #1

Hello dear friends!

This is the first Spiritual Spa going out to my family in the Lord that I would like to share my passion with! Some call me a Watchman. Well, the Watchman stands on the wall and watches for enemies about to strike. This Spa is as much about letting the Lord love on you as it is a warning or a wake-up call.
This Spa is about me sharing what I feel the Holy Spirit leading into making our lives more peaceful... (some of us would truly appreciate that after a meal ;D)

Laurie F. inspired me to start this, so thanks to you, dear Laurie!

The spirit of the Father wants us to start loving our and others' temples of the holy spirit! What we eat, how we treat the subject food and our bodies is a vital part of our lives AND spirituality. Why?

Do you remember what it tastes like to be satisfied and saturated in your soul and spirit with the faith and knowledge that God is good, present and loves us?

Oh taste and see that the Lord is GOOD. EAT good food and EXPERIENCE by the consequences that GOD IS GOOD!

The Lord is good and besides the good foods he created we are VERY good. Praise the Lord! A very good car needs only the best fuel there is!

Let me pose some critical questions, just to get you into an "awareness food mood":

-Would you tell someone something sweet just because it sounds great, maybe even makes them feel great for a little, but eventually it might make them sick, because it wasn't that good after all?

-Are you aware of what you are consuming every day? We're not watching certain programs because we don't want to harm our soul and spirit, what's with intake for the body...? Should this matter at all?
-Would you knowingly hand out poison to people or consume it yourself and then later blame the devil for making people suffer the consequences?

If the creation is good and we are very good I think it's time we get back to the attitude of the children of God which is to be at peace and spread that peace. ("Blessed are the peacemakers, they will be called children of God" Matthew 5)

Why are so many of us (us= the human kind AND the body of Christ) sick, obese or suffer all sorts of allergies or digestive issues (and so forth)? Is it because the devil hates us? Well, yes he hates us. Does he force us to be ignorant to wisdom? No, he does not, but he will definetely try!!

Lets accept the fact that we lack wisdom in how to treat our bodies in the God-intended way. That opens the door to the fallen world to enter (e.g.) with it's fallen food friends. It is my passion (combusted by my dear friend Ashley, owner of Anytime Fitness and inFIT of Albertville) to share some wisdom that I recieved, tested and found worthy to pass on!

Since the "weigh down" project goes around amongst some of us let me point out that what I'm proposing does not mean to not be guided by the spirit in what choices to make about our foods we consume. But perhaps dome of us know that if we are "kinda hanging out there" without guidance we tend to not hear the spirit very clearly, but go with what we think we know to be true. So please, if you feel the spirit wants you to start become more aware to how you treat your temple, test my words with what you hear! This Spa is about making you aware about the vehicle of the holy spirit (you!) and what it needs to run at it's best!

I attached a link for a little article that I recommend to glance over and be inspired by!

It is basically telling you try to do without some items we think are necessary (like marshmallows in a salad, not pointing my finger at anyone ;). The food God created is good in itself (and sometimes with a little real cheese addad), lets find that to be true in our soul, body and spirit! Did God create mayonaise? I'm not sure, but I know he did not create us to crave junk food. Why not? Because we are to be strengthed and nourished by food and water to live a peaceful and spreading peace kinda life!

So, if you want, lets pray: Lord forgive us for receiving something other than the daily bread you provided! Forgive us for forgetting and not teaching our children how to treat the bodies you have given us! TEACH US!!! We lack wisdom and are in need for your guidance! Help us to open our hearts and minds to what the spirit is saying in this hour where we cannot trust the food we are served in abundance anymore. Let us taste and see again that you are good! Thank you Lord, in Jesus name! To be continued...

Be blessed abundantly!


  1. Email from S.: I love it! God is calling us to a new season of health and Christina has been given the charge by Him to lead us in understanding. I can speak prophetically in confirmation of this season. God is saying that we will enter the "promised land" of health and that it will be a Holy Spirit adventure filled with awesome victories and rewards. Our time of slumber about the care of our physical temples is over. We will go rejoicing in to this time of awakening! Let go and let God!

  2. Email from K.: AMEN! I receive it and I look forward to the adventure!
    Thank you Lord and Thank you Christina

  3. Email of L.: Way to go, daughter of The Most High God! This message has the loving voice of our Father - no condemnation, no worldly extremism, and no building altars to "fitness" or "self-discipline". Looking forward to hearing more.

  4. Email from B.: Well said S.!
    I have completed a 1 month "body cleanse" -- (nutritional detox) --
    am down 15 #, have lost 7 inches, probably 1 pant size, have more energy and will keep going.

    Thanks to Christina for the Spiritual Spa!

  5. Email from M.: This is awesome! I am way excited to see more!!

  6. Email from S.: I loved this msg. I needed to hear this. Yes...you are the watchman...keep his words coming.
    My temple needs renovation. Bless you.
